
Uini dvi vassoe hād vlederunɢoʁ ji, eqæwo taæğlo nehhnui zjoeʁə? Wa taæğlo zrvæ tulwo?

If we named the world paradise, why is my sword dripping with blood? Why do I want more?

-Erût, 782 BDR, as quoted by Ziryuwah in Lives and Deaths of the Feasters, published 1412 DR. English translation by Simon Zaifęrai of the Šisoi, 2999 DR


Erût (also known as: the Conqueror, the Warrior, the Puppetmaster, the Puppeteer, and the God of Empire) is one of the two living Feasters, most known for leading, and in large part creating, the conquering armies of the Divine Realm. Before and after the age of expansion, they've been known as one of the more warmongering Feasters, and have fought in many battles for whatever side they chose in the moment.


Born of a badger in the Feast, they spent the years before the first council beating the rocky foundations of the world into their current shape. First of all the Feasters they began to feel loneliness, and befriended Obbotré, Hlimǔǔ, and Ďǒrukh during their roaming years. When the spawning began they made puppets shaped like themself, and spent their time quietly with these until the humans arrived.

When the humans arrived there were wars to fight, and Erût fought in many of them, expanding many young empires as the strongest soldier in any army. It is sometimes said that Erût drew the map of the ancient world by themselves. This is an exaggeration, but they did indeed change the course of many an empire's history.

In year 100 BDR Obbotré called for a Summit and Erût attended without knowing its purpose. They were ecstatic when the establishment of the Divine Realm was proposed, and argued fervently in its favor. The next century they bided their time under the sea beneath The Light, and created the Gold Soldiers, soldiers for the army that would later expand the Divine Realm at Erûts command.

The following centuries earned them the title Conqueror. In the largest military expansion in the history of the world, they conquered lands from the Center outward for the first 946 years of the Divine Realm's life. At their command were the Gold Soldiers, the unbounds that chose to assist the Realm, as well as two Feasters: Hlimǔǔ and Ďorukh.

In 946 DR, Ďorukh fell in battle with the deities of the Rezhu. In reaction to this, Erût chose to destroy what remained of the Rezhu civilization and, rather than absorb it into the Realm, make the entire land uninhabitable by force of their lasting Will. Hearbroken, they then gave up expansion of the Realm, which stopped entirely in 957 DR.

When the defense of the Realm weakened in the 1400's Dr, they gave up protecting its borders, with the exception of the Centre, which is still protected by their and Ziryuwah's Will. Since the fall of the Realm, they have spent their time in Naarañ, living with their puppets and occasionally interacting with the people. Their only later involvement with Vássoe at large was their catalyzation of the Descent in the 2480's DR.

The subject of this article has the following names in the languages of Vássoe: Sesto (Aaqhan), Seet (Q'ao), Erët (Charwattan), Erût (Nordañ), Gzěaz (Ęsa̋lęw).